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Showing posts from December, 2012

Q&A With The Guiding Lights of Homeland

Showtime's Homeland has become a genuine worldwide success with it's second season building an even bigger audience than it's debut run, the show's guiding lights Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa have recently been chatting with the readers of the New York Times on just what makes the show tick, check out a couple of the questions below. Q: I love the way the show builds suspense through secrets — the power of secrets to hurt characters and the nail biting about whether another character will reveal the secret. In the most recent episode, by killing one of the central characters who held an important secret, the anxiety about that secret is punctured and dissipated. How do you make the decision to balance keeping the secret alive vs. the need to eliminate that character? — G, Los Angeles A:MR. GANSA: We wanted to write a show as suspenseful and sophisticated as a John le Carré novel and the great ’70s thrillers like “Three Days of the Condor,” “The Parallax View” and “...