Soon to return to ITV is classic 1970's gameshow Mr and Mrs only with an All Star twist, we spoke to Fern Britton (one of the co-hosts) about the new series. Fern Britton was a big fan of the original series of Mr & Mrs and is thrilled to be co-hosting the brand new series on ITV1: “It’s funny because Phillip called and said they’re thinking of doing Mr & Mrs and shall we do it together. At that stage I didn’t know it was celebrities and I said “wow that would be such a laugh,” because it’s one of those shows that’s in your mind and we all have certain memories of it. “I think if we revisited that series now it might look a bit dated, so I just hope that Phillip and I can bring it up to date and make it popular in people’s memories again. “I remember Derek Bately [the original host] who was absolutely lovely and immaculate. You could imagine him smelling of wonderful soap and cologne, and he always had beautiful pink shirts on. I used to love the sound proofed booth where t...