In Starters The story starts for Ben and Alisha when they are visited by Thorpe, an MP and ex-alcoholic who is chairing a select committee calling for a ban on all alcohol advertising and targeting big drinks companies like Griffin Distillers. He wants their help coaxing out a whistleblower. He has a name of a Griffin employee, James Connolly but wants them to check out if he will be a good witness for the committee.
They decide to meet Connolly and disappointed when he turns out to be a conspiracy theorist who is more interested in telling them how the alcohol industry destroyed the rave scene than giving them any concrete evidence about Griffin’s bad marketing practises. He also tells them he has just been sacked. However he does give them another name of someone who had a problem with Griffin’s marketing, Helen Errol.
Alisha and Kenny track Errol down and find that Errol now runs an alcohol research centre, with a rehab facility for teenagers. Alisha is challenges her about Griffin but Errol says she doesn’t know anything and she has nothing to do with them anymore.
Meanwhile with so much at stake for Griffin they send their top lobbyist, Chris Clayson to neutralise Ben and Alisha. Clayson takes Ben out for lunch and it is clear from his not so veiled threats that Griffin is worried. Hacking into Errol’s email Ben, Alisha and Kenny are shocked to discover that Errol and Clayson are going out. Even more intriguingly Kenny tells them that someone else is hacking into Errol’s emails; they discuss who would be interested in her data about teenage drinking…and realise Griffin are using it to market alcohol to them more successfully.
Clayson is also putting the pressure on Thorpe, threatening to close a large bottling plant in his constituency if he goes ahead with his select committee. Does he really want to be responsible for mass unemployment in his area? When Thorpe stands up to him it is clear that Clayson is rattled, as he is under an enormous amount of pressure from Griffin. He is also experiencing problems in his personal life as he has discovered that his 13 year daughter is drinking. And things are about to get even worse for him when Ben and Alisha tell Errol about Griffin stealing her data and they all come round to confront him.
Ben and Alisha realise that they need proof that Griffin are passing Errol’s data onto their advertising agency and with Kenny’s help bug the agency boss’s office. With evidence on tape they return to Thorpe and give it to him to use in his select committee. However once they have left, Clayson delivers his final blow and blackmails Thorpe over a hit and run incident in his past. Thorpe backs down and Ben and Alisha feel totally betrayed.
Events are turned on their head when Clayson is called to the hospital and finds Emma having her stomach pumped. When Ben confronts him about what Griffin are doing Clayson tells him that he thinks what happened to Emma is his fault, no one else’s but it is clear Ben’s attack against Griffin has had an effect
Next day Clayson starts his new job as a manager at Griffin, meeting his boss on the stairs it is clear they are extremely happy for him. Clayson leaves the building to go to lunch and we reveal Ben, Alisha and Kenny are there and Clayson has brought files that will prove that Griffin is marketing to underage drinkers. He is their insider.